Gas up

Growing up in Jersey was wonderful, except for one small thing – you can’t pump your own damned gas. Full serve only. Why?

As long as you stay in state, you’re fine. Leave town and you’d better know what you’re doing. The first time I had to pump my own gas, I was in the middle of Pennsylvania with an empty tank and no clue how to fill it. I had to ask the guy behind me in line what I was supposed to do. Talk about embarrassing. 

Now I’m getting to teach my kids how to pump their own gas. You wouldn’t think that’s terribly complicated, but it is. Some machines need you to do this and that, and others want you to do some other thing. No consistency.

Beware, my child, the station by your grandparents’ house that spits the receipt out at you at such a high velocity that you’ll have to chase it down. Not the sort of advice you picture giving your child, but there we are.

If the pump tells you to pay inside, go on in and make pleasant small talk with the employees. They’ll probably be thrilled that you’re not bitching at them like some other customers unfortunately will.

Wash your windows and then be sure to wash your headlights and tail lights too, especially after winter storms. Never mind that whatever the road treatment crews put down did nothing to make your drive shorter or easier. It will stick to your car like glue. You need to see and be seen. Keep ’em clean.

Make sure your oil is changed on schedule. Having your engine die is no fun. Ask me. While you’re at it, let me tell you about the time I didn’t make sure my washer fluid was full before taking a post storm trip home during college. Trying to find the exit for Bruceton Mills with my head sticking out the window because my windshield was crusted with filth was not fun. You’ll have plenty of adventures in your lifetime. Skip that one, ok?

It’s the lot of little things that make up a lifetime. Teaching the kids those little lessons helps me notice just how much detail life holds on a daily basis. Things aren’t as boring as they seem. Seeing it through their eyes helps me appreciate the parts as well as the whole. 

I just wish I could say the same thing about teaching them how to park.

Get out and vote!

As crappy as this election is, one positive thing has come of it. I’ve seen more “get out the vote” efforts than in any other election. The eldest did her part today, canvassing local neighborhoods. It’s great to see a new generation embrace their place in the world.

Of all the ones I’ve seen, the Hamilton Cast’s voter videos are my favorite. “…and Peggy!” never gets old. 

Get out the Vote, Hamilton-style

Cubs win! CUBS WIN!!

Growing up, I wasn’t much of a baseball fan. I have vague memories of going to a Yankees game with a friend, but that’s about it. 

All that changed when I was 16. I flipped on the tv after school, looking for something to watch while I did my homework. The baseball playoffs caught my eye. The year was 1986 and the New York Mets were playing the Houston Astros. I ended up being obsessed with the game to the point where I watched not only the rest of the game but the rest of that series and then the World Series.

Few things compare to the 1986 World Series for excitement. Watching the Mets beat the Boston Red Sox turned me into a lifelong baseball fan. 

Fast forward several years to when I fell in love with a Big Ugly Man Doll. Although he’s an Air Force brat, BUMD’s family hails from Chicago. They are Chicago Cubs fans through and through. It was to be an interfaith marriage. One problem though – how would we raise the children?

Finally we hammered out an agreement: we’d raise the kids to be Cubs fans.

For many years, this wasn’t a big deal. You root for the team, of course, but there wasn’t much to get excited about. Eventually we adopted the hometown Washington Nationals as our family team. Even so, being a Cubs fan is a serious committment. Every year might just be THE year. 

Last night, I was finally rewarded for my sacrifice at the alter. The Cubs won the World Series!! Finally the rest of the family knows the kind of joy I felt so many years ago when I first became a baseball fan! Patience is rewarded. 

Go Cubs!!

Authentic Self

What am I to be?

To be or not to be. 

To thine own self be true. 

Any or all of these would be helpful quotes if only I could figure out who I am. I still don’t even know what I want to do when I grow up. At 46, that’s a bit of an issue – the growing up part, that is. It’s not that I’m not a grownup, it’s just that I’m not exactly through with growing up. 

My eldest observed the other day that I’m going through a late form of teenage rebellion. She’s not wrong. In the past few years, I’ve gotten two tattoos, put purple streaks into my (gray) hair, and have defied my mother’s wishes more times than I can count.

What I’m left believing is this: 

“What I must do is all that concerns me, not what people think. This rule,equally arduous in actual and intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder, because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

I first read this when I was a teenager. It’s taken me decades to start living it. In the end, the only person I need to please is myself. I can provide my family with unconditional love while still having my own opinions and letting them have theirs. Life is not an either/or venture.

The only way I’m going to be satisfied is to go with my gut and live my own life. It may be far from perfect, but it’s all that I have.

Enemy, thy name is inconsistency

Let’s start with the fact that I didn’t even spell ‘inconsistency’ correctly the first time, shall we?

I am perhaps the least consistent person you’ll ever meet. I make a lot of plans but rarely follow through. It’s the word that should appear on my tombstone some day, except that I want to be cremated and have my ashes used in soil to plant a tree. Anyone who knows me can tell you that’s the dumbest idea ever, because I have a black thumb. I’ve never met a plant I couldn’t kill. One time, in college, I killed a plastic plant by dusting it. The poor thing just fell apart. It never had a chance. 

Still, I’m going to try to post every day in November.  Never, never, never give up, right? Or is it just one foot in front of the other? Repeating (some days faster than others). Just…keep…going. 

Happy New Day

As today approached, I was feeling conflicted. It’s the first day of a new year: a time for new beginnings, new plans, and new goals. January 1 comes with the opportunity for a fresh start and a chance to put the old year behind me.

I don’t want to give this day that power and I don’t want to give it that burden. I want it to  be just another day. That way, it’s no more important than every other day that I wake up. Every day holds the possibility of a fresh start and a chance to put the day before behind me. Why dedicate just one day to it?

Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities
no doubt have crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.

Tomorrow is a new day;
begin it well and serenely
and with too high a spirit
to be cumbered with
your old nonsense.

This day is all that is
good and fair.
It is too dear,
with its hopes and invitations,
to waste a moment on yesterdays.

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Step into the Light

A few of you may have noticed that I’ve been posting a lot from Durham, NC. My eldest daughter is in a Partial Hospitalization Program for an eating disorder here. In December 2012, she was diagnosed with anorexia, severe depression, and anxiety. She’s been in treatment since then. Up until now, I haven’t told most people because she did not want to talk publicly about it. The other night she “came out” about it on her Facebook and has let me post this.

I cannot begin to tell you how freaking proud I am of her. She’s been dealing with this shitty disease for so long and she is still fighting! There are so many brave, strong people I’ve met over the past few years who are fighting the same battle. Some are current patients and some have dealt with it in the past. Eating disorders, depression, and mental illnesses live in the dark. We need to shine a light on them and make sure everyone who needs treatment gets it. If anyone who is reading this is struggling, please get help. Stay strong. You are worth it.


A few of you may have noticed that I've been posting a lot from Durham, NC. My eldest daughter is in a Partial Hospitalization Program for an eating disorder here. In December 2012, she was diagnosed with anorexia, severe depression, and anxiety. She's been in treatment since then. Up until now, I haven't told most people because she did not want to talk publicly about it. The other night she "came out" about it on her Facebook and has let me post this. I cannot begin to tell you how freaking proud I am of her. She's been dealing with this shitty disease for so long and she is still fighting! There are so many brave, strong people I've met over the past few years who are fighting the same battle. Some are current patients and some have dealt with it in the past. Eating disorders, depression, and mental illnesses live in the dark. We need to shine a light on them and make sure everyone who needs treatment gets it. If anyone who is reading this is struggling, please get help. Stay strong. You are worth it. #FUED #anorexia #southernsmash

A photo posted by Julie Lang (@inappropriategirl) on

What time is it?

So yesterday, BUMD called to say he was on the way home from work. Apparently the big hand on the clock was on “F” and the little hand was on “it” – clearly it was time to go home. He asked if there was anything I needed him to pick up (yep, I’ve got a keeper) and then was off to fight traffic.

Later on, he related that conversation to our neighbor, who was over for dinner. The Reigning Queen of Pink piped up, “well, if the big hand was on the “F” and the little hand was on the “it”, then you’d better either get up and leave or take off your pants!”

Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you my 12-year-old.

“What?” she said. “I’ve been in FLE all week. Of course I’m thinking about sex.”

Kids these days. She’s definitely an Inappropriate Girl-in-training.

What did you do this weekend?

When someone asks what I did this weekend, I won’t be able to point to any particular accomplishment. I didn’t finish any project, read a book, run a race, or really do anything notable.

This weekend I spent time with family and friends, fed and nourished my stomach and my soul, enriched my brain, and had fun. I didn’t accomplish anything in particular, but I got a lot done. Life was happy. I am happy. Isn’t that enough?